Friday, February 6, 2009

Open To the Trade!

I'd read about bartering within, and beyond, the Esty website community and filed the information under "keep in mind." It's easy for me to go surfing off tangentially on the web and I have learned - that is NOT the way to get my projects done.... I can wile away plenty of time, hopping from one intriguing site to another. And so, I filed that memo to myself and promptly forgot about it, safe in the understanding that when I decided to look into the idea, I would be able to.

This morning, analyzing the viewer statistic for my shop, I noted a referrering site, called EtsyTraders on Blogspot. "Well, I thought, "What do you know! My memo has popped up just at a time when I have a moment to address it!"

Off to check out this trading concept. Clicking to the site, I found quite a well-organized list of Etsy shopkeepers happy to trade merchandise with each other.
The list is maintained by members of the Etsy Trade-a-holics Team, which hosts a blog along with the previously linked list. You can find them at It's a clean, well-designed site that features the work fo the Team members.

Think you might be interested in trading? Check them out!

Esty Sellers - Scroll to the lower portion of this page to get links to helpful marketing/selling tool/informational sites sites.

Esty Shoppers - Scroll to the lower portion of this page to get links to blogs from Etsy sellers!

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